Aug 7, 2018
We took the bus to hundan batouri.
We had some chai to get the kick and started hiking from there to the top of pass. It was an easy climb from 2500 to 4600. But heavy rains and cold winds was a game changer.
Once you zoom the OSM, you would see the Hudan bhatori village, and steady climb up the tingoloti pass and you descend into sural bhatori , exit via Dharwas.
The scree section was bit tricky as it was raining, once could slip and fall off if not cautious while traversing it.
We got away from the trail as it was washed off due to the rain and ended up descending vertically close to a waterfall.
After a steady descend, we crossed a side stream to go to the far end of the ridge to look for a trail and a muddy slippery dirt trail was visible.
We started running on the trail. It was pouring incessantly, so we had to skid all our way through to the bottom of the trail where we noticed a bridge to cross to the other side of the village.
We were hosted with great hospitality and chai. We went to Sural gompa (monastery). The valley was covered with mist.
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