Aug 10, 2018
I Started towards Udaipur to enter Miyar. I Got down at sach village and there is a trail 300 m down to catch the bus, cross the bridge and opposite to a small Dhaba, the bus comes at 11 am. The sound of the stream can be heard from very far.

The plan was to meet the team at Urgos hopefully if they had crossed the pass. The weather seems good for crossing, I turned back as I had lot of blisters and skipped yesterday’s lunch and didn’t have proper breakfast so not enough energy to climb.

I had chowmen (which was not fully cooked) in the dhaba waiting for the bus. So the lack of proper appetite continues. I was hoping to have some good momos in Udaipur before I venture into miyar. When I was sitting alone under the tree, I realized that the Himalayas teach you modesty, kindness, simple living, welcoming nature of everyone despite difficulties, few people with masks unlike you see in the concrete jungles.

10 am. The bus stopped at Purthi. There was the landslide clearance for 1 hour with lot of reverses which might look scary for a newcomer. I got used to this kind of travel now. I reached Udaipur at 4:45 pm. There were clear roads towards miyar and I reached Urgos at 19:25. I didn’t see the team, so they still didn’t cross the pass. I fascinated by the maps stuck in a nearby dhaba. Before entering Urgos, you have to do a regular security clearance.

Amazing hospitality at Duggi ram’s house. They gave food, explained about their families in different valleys and batouri and ahad a room at the terrace for sleeping. It seems they had hosted many people. The room had a clear bed. They gave me water and light in the night if I want to go out.
Aug 11, 2018
Woke up at 630am. I had a nice breakfast and went for registering my entry at check-post. The officer asked about the team and explained that entry is must. Also, he told me it’s a silent valley, not many to talk and during the winter everyone goes away. He wanted to go to the South. I had lunch and went for a run towards chaling. The link road from Urgos to chaling is under progress. People use the ropeway/cable carts to cross the stream. It was amazing and ferocious stream at the same time.

People were busy farming and loading veggies. Potatoes(Aloo), Cauliflower(Gobi), Green peas (mutter) are the main vegetables.

I Went to the nearby monastery that was modern .

There I saw the veggie truck guy, he offered me to make a call and sync up with the team and know their whereabouts. I saw a couple of young people from dehradun doing research on fossils who were heading towards khanjer. I came back to the homestay and checking the Urgos nala route. I wished that I was at full strength to climb the unknown jot at tuan-miyar hike as I was waiting to sync up with the team. I was also hoping that the team crosses the pass safely. I couldn’t see any sign of them though in the valley.
I observed how they were waterproofing their rooftops.

I met two shepherds who were heading to Tuan tomorrow by Urgos nala. They took a lot of dry grass for winter and stored them, I also went with them and tried to help. They followed a certain pattern so that the water doesn’t seep or make all the grass wet. They use tarps to cover it later.

After a while, I received a message from mani that they reached the pass but the downhill was steep so they turned back and they are at Mindhal. They will come tomorrow evening around 6 to Urgos hopefully if there are no landslides. That gave me some hope that I will be syncing up with them again to continue the journey. I was planning to explore the nearby villages meanwhile and would go to shukto. I was interacting with the shepherds. One of them said his sheep are not well and he will take some medicines so that he can climb in a day.
I met the kangla guide whom I met in Udaipur bus stop before, apparently everyone is a family in the village. I returned back to the field to collect/assist in dry grass for the house. The shepherds worked a lot. After few hours they collected and stored the grass. We went down for dinner. They gave Chang, local beer guess made of barley, they were drinking for few hours before dinner. I had a good meal and went to sleep.

Aug 12,2018
Morning, I was running around the nearby trails and stayed in the farms. I met the team around 1 pm in the afternoon and we headed back to Udaipur.
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